Tuesday, April 29, 2014


March left like a lamb
summer started without a second of spring
cold-windy, to hot-humid in the blink of a hummingbird’s eye,
paradise for resting bugs,
leaves, and buds, July flowers announcing
their annual appearance

never ready, warmer clothes crowding closets
summer stuff waiting in the garage, nowhere to go
first warm weekend scrambling to open plastic boxes
looking for cotton, and bugs
quick hurry, unpack the cool fabrics
recycle the boxes, pack up the warm

no warning for heat, except experience
this happens every year, about this time
only the day/date changes
but foresight would suggest
an exchange
before the lamb is roasted

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Before the time of moon and tides
giants walked the steaming swamps
and shadows followed

whether by sunlight, moon
or darkness
before the time of men and after

just beyond the boundary,
at the mystical edge, between the worlds
behind the trees, and the boulders in the river

ethereal phantoms appear  briefly
then slip away rushing before the light,
reminders of those that wait in the night

huddled in caves, sitting next to fire
chanting the shaman’s dreams
giving the illusion of protection

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Two gnarled witches
like old oaks, bent and twisted
from years of carrying their magic

from carrying themselves
convinced of their control
were taken by their magic,

as magic does,
convinces some to come and play
first seducing   then taking prisoners

Two young trees
slightly bent but not yet stooped
watch the old trees, and desire the power they see

and in practicing that power
have no  defense
against the coming storm

Certain of their authority
move freely in the world, unarmed
believing in their invulnerability,

Magic will give lessons,
About its supremacy
Over, those who indulge

By failing in a moment
To shield, protect
And empower

Proving it has the power
letting the supplicants feel the pain of their actions
while the old trees wring their branches, and point twigs in despair

the first seduction of magic

Friday, April 25, 2014

Waiting Room # 2

through the  picture window a skeleton-like parking structure blocked most of outside
above the car warehouse in a margin of window-- a crystal-cloudless- blue sky
capped a hospital wing—lot of windows with drapes drawn against the sun--
patient rooms or offices who knows?
perhaps a parallel waiting room with people heading the other direction?

fifty-or so souls filled the chairs against walls and in the rows in-between
first people  to arrive, sat closest to the desk, families, friends,  talked
and   children,  bored with Fox looked at the sunlight squirmed in their chairs
wanting to be free running outside spreading their wings soaring through the small trees
new birds learning their song, learning to fly

a few patients gazed out at the  trees, just now giving birth to early buds
or gazed, really, into their inner world—their sanctuary
private, no families or friends, no Fox, only others with the same song sitting silently, lost inside
but cat-like ears tuned to the poly-phonemic tones in their name waiting for the signal to return
names spoken meant appointment or lab, perhaps answers to fear bound questions

busy waiting room,  usual Tuesday morning
regulars know without asking whether you are kidney or liver
newcomers endlessly think the question,  “kidney or liver?” when they look at others
mostly they are kidneys, first time attendees
the old-timers glance at them quickly returning to their solitude or family

the newest arrivals constantly look around,  avoiding  eye contact
wives, girlfriends, mothers, talking incessantly the room hums
a million unseen bees fill the otherwise silent void
a name is called too softly to lift passed the bees wing sounds
no one moves, but everyone looks, until the name is called again

loud enough this time for two to get up—same first name—and blush
trying to be polite in their personal nervousness their too soon end-of-life inner thoughts
both arrive at the counter and one returns looking at the floor
desperate for news they don't understand, “ Dr. How long do I have ?”
the answer comes in bio-chemistry-speak, labs, tests, results, shots, pills and kindness

the sun moves across the sky making the windows mirrors obscuring the building across the way
the waiting room empties slowly, when a name the soul moves, livers go left, kidneys go right
relief at the decision, action, movement, threads of birdsong from long ago
lift leaden arms, moving leaden legs

Waiting Room # 1

excited flyers
first timers       businessmen    missionaries
waiting for     adventures        three hours of boredom           going home

the room fills up slowly
passengers gather
killing time looking out the windows   planes on the runway

beyond the planes and their tenders
the jungle flourishes
surrounding     the  concrete  and   the   asphalt

an authentic  war is taking place
the airport hacking          machetes swinging cutting back  
in the night  vines  creeping back        giant palms inching closer

the jungle will win in the end             it is only taking back
vines will eat the runway  
trees will crush the concrete

the birds will come back first
excited            like first time flyers   

they are already gathering       in the  bushes 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


in my mind
in front of me
all around me now
others do not see them
but I must choose between the lot
panicking and tentatively
bacon and eggs with fried potatoes
no the Belgian waffle with strawberries

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


where is the wind? I need a friend to listen
then spread my heated words to distant lands
to not offend those who caused my anguish

where is the wind? whispering in my ear
on a sunny day, in a flower filled meadow
watching the clouds float by, without a thought

where is the wind? To make the bamboo dance
against the windows, and build mounds in the corners of my mind,
like heaps of words waiting to be written

where is the wind? to blow out the stale air filled with rumination
the wind from the north, fresh air, will clean out dusty corners
and fill them again with different words

Monday, April 21, 2014


When a colony of gulls come ashore
Settling on the beach, tucked up, facing the seas
a storm is coming

When an owl sits on the roof of a house for three days
And a host of sparrows gather in the trees and bushes ‘round the house
a death is coming

when a single crow bothers you
landing near you, hopping after you
a message is coming

there are many messengers in the world
all with warnings and salutations, telling the traveler
a transformation is coming

at night around the fire the storyteller relates
the history of travelers and  birds
a lesson is coming

in the morning the sky is red
the gulls come ashore, and settle facing north
a cold wind is coming

waking at first light see the owl circling the camp
high in the sky at first, then gliding lower, looking for a place to land
a change is coming

men gather the horses, woman take down the tents
elders pack the tools of living, pack the horses
a new camp is coming

the sky says what, the birds say where
the elders pack without a sound, babies aren’t crying
a resolve is coming

horses all packed men sit and talk hunched near the remnants of  the fire
hiding their faces from the owl, watching the direction the crow flew from
a direction is coming

the men mount horses, mothers hoist babies to their backs
the travelers are ready, and follow as the crow flies south

a journey is coming

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Matrix of the Mind

There is no balance in life
the brain works diligently to create images
that give substance to the perceptual fabrication
thus providing pictures of continuity

called reality

trees appear to be growing in a stand
but each a singularity, simply growing
where the seed fell
not in contrived proximity, not similars together in group

just trees

life does not continue  in an unbroken  line
but disruptions are overlooked for the good image
do not break the flow,  perceive good continuation
rather than separate events, always connected

 no fate

curves with gaps appear to be complete circles
the missing piece irrelevant
to the perception of closure
symmetry must be maintained

many spaces

what does the world really look like?
Is it a chaotic place, that when perceived
would make men mad?
and in that madness experience hallucinations

of completeness
and symmetry?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

So Much to Remember

furrows tilled, in straight lines, regular rows
seeds planted long ago
harvested and planted again, and harvested again
until the soil pleaded for a rest

then less planting for 40 years
until the plow was taken up again,
sixty years had passed since the last weeds were pulled
old weeds hung on  with a vengeance

embedded , hard to pull
internalized by the soil
they had become the nature of the ground
stiff, recalcitrant, unyielding, unchanging, unforgiving

but 40 years have gone by  in this field,
old weeds served to bridge the gaps between the furrows
now  time alone,  and not disuse, did fade them out of mind, forgotten
furrows encountered cannot be crossed

but a warning,  take care, remember if possible
that forgetting clears ground without selection, taking the useful and not
what  once flourished will be no more,  gone without pattern or connection

when most are forgotten, the ground breaks
barren patches must be filled,
to cross the furrows , to get from here to there
to be able to turn faces towards  the sun

see that elevator door, the door is closed
point and press,  point and press
to no avail,  the door will not budge no matter how many times 
a car key is pointed at the elevator

Friday, April 18, 2014

Adding Videos to Posted Poems

I am very happy that so many people are reading my poems as I post them to this blog. This  is my working 'notebook' and I post nearly all of the poems I write. Over the next week or so I will making videos of me reading my poems. As these videos are completed I will be posting them to their respective blog poem-pages. Reading them,  then hearing me read might add some insight to how I regard the poem.

Above all, while these  poems are an expression of my imagery and affect about the world around me they are meant to be entertaining as well as being "art." Please feel free, if you are so moved, to leave comments and (arggggh) critiques. AND if you like the poem please recommend it to your circles (G+).

Anyway thanks again for your support :-)

This is a sample of what my videos would be like IF I were Dylan Thomas hahahaha

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Like a Baton

The breeze  arrives at the end of the day
like a maestro 

bending branches, shaking limbs rustling leaves respond
like instruments’ begining to stir, rustling sheet music, sliding chairs

each in turn,  tuning to some unheard perfection
leaves softly brushing against windows

fronds lifting in the wind
loudest of the voices

bamboo clicking sounds
in the background a steady rhythm

gusts slow down there is silence
then wind picks up,  moving a branch

like a baton

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I write poems
“…try writing a short story”
too many words
and complete sentences

“Try, just try”
you don’t understand
when I die and go to the holding platform
there will be an accounting

A frowning St. Michael will say,
You used too many words in your life
You need to make 8,000,000 words
If you don’t you will , well you know

Okay, Okay, how do I make up those words
“…come over here to this table…”
I did and what I saw was an infinite number of Scrabble tiles

“sit down,” he said and “…get to work” 

Friday, April 11, 2014

James Augustine

James Augustine Aloysius Joyce
lose the eye patch
haven't you heard of Lasik?

simple eye surgery
done with a laser
to correct your weak vision

you've worn glasses since you were six
your doctors claimed nearsightedness
the computer that operates the laser will correct that

it’s the 21st century now, not the 19th
medicine would have controlled your fever
that doctors claim provoked  iritis that damaged your cornea

James, get Lasik, debride your cornea
restore your vision
and James, lose the hat!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Old Friends + Video

Old friends hanging out together
shirts frayed at the edges, broken buttons
pants missing belt loops, worn at the knees, threadbare
jackets with patched patches
shoes dusty, needing heels and soles
old friends who have known each  other for a very long time
dozing  in the afternoon sun 

submitted for publication

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Trilogy of Crows


write your  epitaph
only you can
give it to a crow

 when your body is done
 an Owl will tell those    who pass by
you have left

the crow will read your story
in the silence  
of the  forest


strong wings      set
catching  moonlight
gliding downward

the go-between   flies                  
certain of her task          
her story to convey  a friend has passed

the crow delivers her epistle     
while sparrows   guided by moonlight
gently take his soul to God


two weeks  since the Owl left
winter’s early fingers chill the air
drop late leaves in piles next to the fence

sparrows wander in the wind
until the crow returns
another message    to collect

(Published 2013 Quirk)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Day Before

He beat my aunt up pretty good
and she was hiding out at Mrs.  Fishback’s
A small one story wooden framed house on a quiet street
with a peaked dormer over the front porch

heavy curtains covering the front windows
occasionally a faced would peer out at the street whenever a car went by
my mother made me go over there and take my aunt something
I don’t remember what

anyway she was hiding out  from him  again
I wondered if  she did anything but never found out
the next day he let the dog out
and set fire to himself
She was a character from a Dashiell Hammett novel                       
she was earthy hard working,  gambler, who knew about bars and men               
smoked shorty cork tipped Kool cigarettes endlessly lighting another and another
She was the youngest of three sisters but older than her brother

He was a rough guy, did time in the state prison down in Salem
everybody was afraid of him, his temper, his strength
he drank a lot and always had a pocketful of cash
he taught me how to fish when I was little and how to drive when I got older

Monday, April 7, 2014

Gazing out the window

Lost in thought about years gone by

Thoughts drifting in my mind like clouds in the sky

 together our entwined spirits then would soar

but now I cannot hold you more

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Day After

By his own hand
Drank a bottle of whiskey and let the dog out
doused himself with lighter fluid         
struck a strike-anywhere wooden stick match

Later the firemen came and put out the fire
someone took his body away
and boarded up the windows with plywood
no one ever saw the dog again

My uncle and  father grabbed me and drove over to his house 
 broke the lock on the garage and  got a ladder 
up against a side window hidden from the street, pried off the plywood
and climbed into the house, first one in the house since the fire                                  

his chair was gone along with the table that sat next to it
there was an empty whiskey bottle exploded on the floor
charred carpet and lingering whispering damp smoke smell
a melted rotary dial phone on the floor

I opened the front door
they went to the bedroom
and took all the valuables before the insurance adjusters came
they would say the fireman took them 


The last bottle of Sweet Tokay was gone hours ago and the morning was cold
this day would be no different than uncounted days that came before.
It was too early to start panhandling
but the Union Gospel Mission was open for breakfast with compliance prayers.

Listening to prayers was small price to pay for oatmeal and hot coffee
and perhaps a shower and some clean clothes if he got there early enough
searching around in empty pockets for a cigarette butt he found a dime,

the day was off to a good start but he really needed a smoke.
pushing his cardboard-box-lean-to off to the side
he got up and ran his fingers through his hair trying to get it out of his eyes.
there weren’t any mirrors or a sink under the railroad trestle.

he hid his duffle bag behind some pilings and began walking up the bank 
when he got to the top of he could see the Steel Bridge.
then memory took over and he saw his parents’ house beyond the bridge
his mom was standing at the stove cooking breakfast, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast

his dad hiding behind morning paper, smoke curling up and over the sports section
occasionally a hand would reach out to grab his coffee or orange juice.
next to the newspaper he saw an empty place at the table, his place
He shook off the images and turned up the street towards the mission.

submitted for publication

An Explanation

I belong to a poetry writing group and we are tasked this month by writing to 'prompts' that are sent each morning. There will be a prompt each day this month thus a different style of poem each day.

"Poetry Prompts - Sunday, April 6 - Are you still writing to celebrate National Poetry Month? Why not try something different? Write a COUNT UP on any topic - This titled form consists of exactly ten lines, the first line having one syllable, each succeeding line adding a syllable, the stanza having with a total count of fifty-five syllables; the form allows both rhyme and meter, while its similar cousin, the ETHEREE, allows neither."

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Corn Dog Love

I gazed upon her first when I was young
and by her perfection I was stung

by cupids arrow in my heart
my lifes obsession it did start

a romance that has endured
that time and miles have not cured

I still return to where we met
and gaze longingly without regret

As she lies naked ready for dough
knowing her cooking time will be slow

My dearest corn dog you are sublime
And in a few minutes you will be mine

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday + Video

like an adoring groom  waiting for his lover to arrive
she promises to come but only on the appointed day, at the appointed hour
the grains of sand move slowly in the glass
Helios appears chained in the east, his transit a snail’s pace
Friday night at sundown the queen arrives
each Saturday, at sunset, she leaves and the longing begins anew
each passing day is filled with hard hands and sweat stained clothes
sunrise to sunset the substance of toil never ending
but in  mindfulness of her, relief comes marking off the days

until she returns again

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Then, Now and In-Between + Video

The mind tantalizes with assorted images of then and now
growing up at the ocean’s edge tide pools to explore
boy’s life dungeness crab, razor clams, fishing from the rock jetty
smell the salt air, feel the fresh cold ocean spray on your face
 when the waves throw themselves on the beach

another time walking the streets that Rexroth walked,  when he was 20
riding the orange line train past the old stockyards, see  faces of workingmen
mark the corner where the Haymarket Riot took place
Rexroth stood over there, a boy really, watching soldiers shoot civilians
Waiting to go to jail, for a month, a suspected sympathizer

looking out at a garden, buds summoned by the warmth of the sun
early bees setting up housekeeping for the summer
birds signing while building their nests, dodging the cats with ease
lemon and pomegranate trees survived the winter
and the chilipequin is leafing out nicely, next to the still sleeping lantana

where will I live today?

submitted for publication

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The End of Life

The Sun warms the parched cracked earth

No rain last year and none in sight

No seeds will grow there is no birth

barren furrows decree this life's plight